Are you working with a couple or individual dealing with betrayal and infidelity?
LCI invites pastors, counselors, lay counselors, shepherd and home group leaders, marriage mentors, and anyone helping married folks repair or maintain their relationships to join us for a few hours of teaching and sharing about this common dilemma attacking marriages.
There is no “one size fits all answer” to this tragedy as anyone going through it will tell you, but there are potentially helpful ways of understanding and moving through the pain of infidelity; whether or not the marriage survives.
We’ll discuss several “scripts” of infidelity, a model for deciding what to do and how to potentially reconcile if that is the choice of both partners. We will also discuss divorce (as an act of faith), who to involve in the process (i.e., children, the church, parents), critical benchmarks, etc.
Join Dr. Bill Clark and a few brave volunteers for a few hours of testimony and teaching about this all too common issue.