Level 1b: The Lab (Small Group Experience)

The next step on a lay counselor’s journey is Level 1b of The Glorious Mess. We refer to this level as a lab, an experiential small group that follows Level 1a. It involves personal sharing and intimate exercises designed to “flesh out” the content from the seminar.

Many individuals who have completed the Lab, as well as the various volunteer leaders of these groups, have found it a powerful and rich experience. It is rare that we are in groups designed to have us share our story, listen to others, get and give personal feedback, and learn about the group process. We highly recommend this for anyone involved in paid or volunteer caregiving or ministry.

In Person: The cost for Level 1b is $100/person for the 5-week experiential lab.  View Upcoming Events or Host an Event.

Virtually: The cost for Level 1b is $100/person for access to the 5 sessions that contain homework preparation and journal exercises. Note: While offered virtually, the lab is not intended for individual signup as it requires interaction in a group setting. Please do not order Level 1b unless instructed to do so as part of a group event. Sign up here.

Next Up: Level 2: Our Counseling Model