
In addition to ongoing trainings, LCI offers topic-based workshops on an ad-hoc basis throughout the year. Generally the topic reflects a relevant pain point people face. The objective of these workshops is to provide the biblical framework and counseling model taught in the basic training levels, and to apply these principles to the topics at hand. We are always open to offering our workshops at new locations, so if you are interested in hosting an event, let us know!  

Lonely Together: Helping Couples Workshop

We’ve all seen it: a couple struggling in some way. Pain leaking out. Whether in a comment, a look, a sharp exchange. It can happen anywhere. They aren’t consciously asking for help, but they are letting observers know something is amiss. We notice. We wince. Maybe we pray, maybe we ask, “Is everything ok?” If it’s bad enough, they might open up a little. But it’s awkward for them, and for us. What more can we do?

Authentic Living through Grief & Loss

Are you or someone you know walking through a time of loss? This workshop is geared toward pastors, counselors, small group leaders, and anyone in relational ministry to help provide insight into the elements of grief, while coming alongside others who grieve in a more helpful manner. 

Leading Small/Support Groups

This workshop introduces the lay counselor and small group leaders to many of the nuances of building healthy small groups and/or support groups. Read more

The Biggest Job: Parenting

For the general public and lay counselors; parenting concerns are the most common in the counseling setting and this seminar provides practical techniques for better parenting skills. Read more

The Divine Setup: Counseling Couples

This workshop trains lay counselors and others how the LCI model of Biblical counseling applies to the unique aspects of working with a couple. Read more

Helping those with Sexual Issues

This workshop is offered to lay and professional counselors, local pastors, and other church and ministry leaders who serve those affected by the current sexual epidemic. Read More

Broken Vows: Infidelity

There is no “one size fits all answer” to the tragedy of infidelity, as anyone going through it knows, but there are some potentially helpful ways of understanding and growing through this; whether or not the marriage survives it. Read More

Healing Trauma

This workshop begins to unpack the painful issue of trauma and then addresses the healing that occurs within relationship. It provides resources for lay counselors we may come alongside others and assist in this process. Read More