Have you been to an LCI event or heard about one from a friend and thought, “I wish my church or organization offered that type of training”?
The Lay Counselor Institute recognizes that our mission to “prepare believers for the care of others” can have many variations. Sometimes our mission involves training individuals to become part of their church’s lay counseling ministry, sometimes it involves our support as individuals work to establish a new counseling/care ministry in their church, and sometimes it involves the presentation of biblically-based teaching for a larger audience on a specific topic. Whatever the circumstance, we know that our gospel-centered message will offer hope for change, encourage growth and strengthen relationships.
Your church/organization can host:
- The Glorious Mess (Level 1)
- Our Counseling Model (Level 2)
- A LCI Workshop such as The Biggest Job: Parenting, Counseling Couples, Leading Support Groups, Broken Vows: Infidelity, Healing Trauma, Sexual Restoration, and more
- Workshop on your topic of choice (If we aren’t up to the challenge, we have access to others who teach in many areas)
LCI training is perfect for pastors, elders, deacons, church administrative staff, lay counselors, small group leaders, mentors, parents, and more! Additionally, after his years of experience with Young Life, Dr. Clark can modify his training programs so they are suitable for your high school or college students or even your young adults/recent graduates. (read Dr. Bill Clark’s bio) LCI will work with you on logistics and location—it is not a necessity that you are located in the Washington, DC Metro area. In fact, we are excited about the possibility of bringing our message to wider horizons as opportunities arise and are available and willing to host workshops on the road. Please don’t hesitate to let us know what we might do to help you build a stronger, more committed and more caring community within your church or organization.